Five years ago, I started up pole dancing for fitness. I had to stop after a few terms due to work commitments but halfway through last year I started up again and realised how much I had bloody missed it. High heels. Rock music. Slutty costumes. Sold.


It is a great form of exercise, working your strength, cardio and flexibility, but it has also been really beneficial in improving my body image issues, making me feel stronger, fitter and more babein’.


As a personal challenge, I’m performing a solo routine in the upcoming Solotude show at The Vanguard in Newtown. Gonna get my groupie on with a piece inspired by my Coke & Sympathy heroine, Wild Delilah.

“[Men] won the battle of the sexes when women started pole dancing for exercise” – Crazy, Stupid, Love


Here I am with two of my pole sisters, [un]dressed and ready to perform our Showcase routine.